Kale Chips

If you knew me, you would know that I’m not too hot in the kitchen. The instructions that come with cooking, or even baking, are “easy,” they say. Cook until golden brown – but did they know that there are different shades of golden brown? My golden brown may be different from your golden brown. Bake until the toothpick is clean – how clean? 50% clean…75%, 90%, or 100% no crumbs whatsoever on the toothpick? I don’t get it.

But I’m trying to learn. I feel like learning how to cook is essential to growing up. There are a couple dishes I do know how to put together – like your simple pasta, maybe some rice dishes, anything that just needs a microwave.

My friend, Courtney (who also has a super cute blog by the way), inspires me and makes me want to cook. She has dietary restrictions due to allergies, and so she has to figure out meals that are gluten-free on a college budget. All her meals are fun and healthy! If she can figure out how to eat well with her allergies, then maybe I can figure something out…

Today, I tried to make kale chips. The whole process was actually really easy, and such a good snack. I ate the whole batch in 10-15 minutes…

The following is my version of cooking directions for kale chips:

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Step 1: Buy kale. I’m just going to tell you now so you don’t forget: preheat oven to 350 degrees.

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Step 2: Wash leaves. Cut them into smaller pieces (if necessary) and take out those big chunky stem things. Drizzle with a little bit of olive oil (a little bit, meaning enough so that all the leaves are slightly covered).

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Step 3: Place on tray in a single layer. Sprinkle salt on top (or whatever you feel like experimenting with). Place in oven until crispy, or until whatever you want it to be (possibly 10-15 minutes).

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Step 4: Enjoy your delicious kale chips. Watch your favorite TV show (optional).

I know there’s a bunch of different ways to make kale chips, but this is just how I did it. Though they could have been a little crisper, I took them out around 12 minutes and was satisfied with the taste and texture. To be honest, it’s up to you and your preference of how you want it. Just be careful because I think they can burn.

The kale on the tray looks like a large amount, but they end up shrinking a little and they all fit into a little bowl for me. While I watched ABC Family’s “Switched at Birth” (a little guilty pleasure of mine), I snacked on the kale chips. It was like popcorn, except green and leaf-shaped.

I only used about 1/3 of the bag, so I still have more kale leaves to make more later this week. I’m pretty proud of myself for doing all this successfully. Maybe I can attempt a new recipe next week (but now I’m just getting ahead of myself).

I’ll keep you all updated.


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